November 13th HW

I think the path i’m choosing to take for the Unit 3 paper is path #4, the path that work’s on extending, illustrating, or challenging the argument that Boyd makes where young people aren’t being taught “critical digital literacy”. I plan to visit many different sites and sources to find the most credible of either what people are teaching the young generation, what people think we should teach them, and maybe what we shouldn’t teach.

Some websites I found are

Most of these websites focus on critical digital literacy, which is Boyd’s main claim. Some  discuss the framework for what we should teach, why we should teach these, and outcomes for students when they know these skills. One specific quote that relates to Boyd is off of the site from The Open University when they say, “… with people believing that a full 80% of the news they read online is biased. And the same pattern exists in the UK, with less than a quarter of the population trusting social media as an accurate source for the news.”

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